Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11......

September 11th was always a day to celebrate in my family. We always had wonderful memories associated with 9/11. Lots of great pictures too! That would all change on September 11, 2001.

A day that was filled with love, elation, laughter and happiness was changed to sadness, anger, unknowing and tears, all in a matter of minutes. A day that we celebrated my Mother's birthday is now a day that we mourn the loss of 3000 people; a moment i will never forget. It was a beautiful day... sunny and bright. It quickly turned black and dark. My heart was full of anger for the sick individuals that decided the fate of those innocent people that day.

Where were you when you heard? I was at work... in front of the TV in the Activities room.... I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to go home and hug my husband. Work was the last place I wanted to be, but I stayed. For most of the day, we were either watching TV or listening to the radio. For weeks, I could not pry myself away from the television. I am still drawn to the stories of that day.

I am one of the lucky ones. I didn't lose a loved one that day. There are families of 3000 people that can't say the same.

I would like to extend a special thank you to all the service men and women that are continuing to risk their lives for our freedom. I am proud to call my Dad a Marine, and I am proud to be an American.


Anne Magee said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts....

Nancywithajones said...

aww Im sorry for your mom's birthday being the same day.... my moms birthday is the 15th and she always said whats to celebrate after all that had happened... so sad to have that to reference with something else...

Im happy your family was safe and your journaling on this was beutiful. you know what I mean your blog entry.. journaling same thing isnt it? anyway. Hugs to you and your family

Elizabeth said...

Girl I couldn't of said it better myself! I am proud to be an American too!!!!