Wednesday, February 28, 2007

OK. Just a quick one...

Just a quick post today because I haven't posted in a while and I don't want any anonymous comments from people (AMY!!!) saying that I haven't posted in a while. So here I go...........

First, I would like to wish my Daddy a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I miss you and love you. Actually, I don't know if you even read this, but I just wanted to give you a big shout out! I love you!

Second, I want to share some good news. I have been asked to re-join the design team for MS Paper Arts. The site had been down a while and things seem to be picking up again. Carrie wanted me back, and of course I said yes! I am really excited about that!

Thirdly, I am really excited about American Idol tonight.....

Fourthly, I have been really bad about going to Curves lately.... and tomorrow is weigh in day! YIKES! NOT looking forward to that one! I even had a sub for lunch today.... ugh - regrets! But I made up for it by having a bowl of Special K for dinner! I might move on to a fat free chocolate pudding.... um, um! (yeah, right!!)

And a final thought for today... I had so much fun this past weekend at the Crop-tastic weekend at SPM. It was so fun to re-connect with some people that I haven't seen in a while and meet some new friends too! I guess everyone else had fun too, because almost all of them signed up for the March Crop-tastic weekend too! Woo hoo!

Ok, that's all folks!


lynette said...

Hi stacey!
Congrats on rejoying the mississippi mud team, they know a good thing when they see it.
Have a great weekend
love ya

Anonymous said...

Your update was Feb is March 6th~
Your loving friend

Anonymous said...

I second the last post from anonymous. Come on girl....

Anonymous said...

it's been 12 days since your last update....