Wednesday, July 05, 2006

OK.... I'm very confused....

Is it Monday or Wednesday???

Having a day off on Tuesday really threw me for a loop today. Other than the fact that it was payroll day at work, which I know is Wednesday, it felt like a Monday all day. I guess I should be happy that I only have 2 more days until the weekend and not 4!

I think it is funny that I started this blog. I don't have any funny things that happen to me that I can talk about. I don't have my own children that I can brag about. It is just me and my husband. Just the 2 of us. Boring, simple us. No one has been here. That is how boring I am. I am afraid to tell people that I have this blog. I am afraid that they would come here to find a witty, funny, bright story about this girl from Massachusetts that is completely addicted to scrapbooking and paper crafting, only to find that I am nothing.

Well, I thought I would brighten things up a bit by changing the color of my font.... Wooaaaaaa! (holding hand over my heart) Big step there, I know.

Anyway, our 4th of July was pretty mundane. (Big surprise for the boring girl!) We did some work around the yard. I planted my flower boxes finally. Went to Lowes to get a cheapo patio set that folds up and the chairs and umbrella store in itself. It was on sale for $98. When we got home i realized that it rang up at $68! What a bargain! The good girl in me said I should go back and tell them. The devil in me, which usually wins, said, Awwww, hell with it. The stupid shall be punished! After all the things around the house, we went to Kathy and Glenn's house to catch the fireworks in Bellingham. Had a great time with the boys. I just love them so much. Had some dogs and burgers and it started to pour! Needless to say, the fireworks were cancelled. We came home, got an ice cream and lit some sparklers instead. We made the best of it.

Well that's it for tonight. Looking forward to Kids day this weekend, Amy's open house and working at Michaels on Sunday. Very full weekend ahead for me!

buh bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sweet Stacey-face!!!!! Trust me when I say...."You're not boring". I oughta know after 33 years of being your Mom and your friend! Do we know how to have fun together or what!?!?!?!
Love ya,
The Mom-ster