Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am still alive.... I know you wouldn't know that from my blogging that I haven't done lately... It is hard to find 2 quiet minutes to myself when I have a dog that has turned into psycho puppy.... Don't know what happened, but we are very surprised that he got his diploma from puppy school! He has taken to biting – and biting hard – with teeth showing! He gets into this fit every night around 8:00 and just goes balistic! We have to stop this.... and FAST!

I would like to send out a GREAT BIG thank you to all who attended our 6-store bus tour this past weekend. I was a little nervous about handling an entire bus-load myself, but you all made it so easy for me to relax and just have fun. I enjoyed myself so much! I hope you did too!

Despite the unnecessary drama that occurred later in the day, I think the whole thing went off smashingly well. It's a shame that one person or group of people tried to ruin it for everyone else. Well, our bus certainly didn't let them get to us, RIGHT! Woo Hoo!!!!

Thanks again, girls! I had a blast and can't wait for the next one! I think there is another bus trip in the works for April 08.... We will keep you posted!

On another note, we are headed to the Cape for the weekend..... Kristin is getting married at the Coonamessett Inn in Falmouth on Friday.... I will have lots of pics to share.

Until then, enjoy your weekend....

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