The wedding was simply amazing. Loved the Coonamessett Inn. The waiter was hysteical! This is how he served the cake! He danced around the entire ball room this way, without a drop of spillage!
Congrats Kristen and Jason! Thanks for a great weekend!
We decided to take in a whale watch from Hyannis while we were there. I think it was the best one we have been on... So cool.... Makes you realize just how small we really are. Even when we feel big as a whale..... We saw about 4 different sets of a mamma's and their calves. It was spectacular.
On our way out to the open ocean, I fell in love with these cute little cottages on Sandy Neck Beach. Love the red one! No running water or electricity.... gotta love that!Shirl and Bruce tagged along for part of the weekend too. We stopped at the JFK memorial park in Hyannis. This is her pushing up daisies! I think the photo came out great. Her personality is shining through. I love you mom!
We took the scenic route home, by way of the Christmas Tree Shop then on to Scusset Beach. As we celebrated Kristen and Jason, we were celebrating our wedding anniversary. There were some that thought we would never make it. Well, it's only been 8 years so far..... I love you Mikey....
I got together with a few friends last night and they were asking about Rocky... Well, he's getting BIG! These photos were taken yesterday. Big difference from the photo on the right, huh?