Thursday, June 29, 2006

There is a first time for everything....

.... Even blogging!

OK - so I was beginning to feel a little left out of the loop here. Everywhere I go I see people that have their own blog. At first, i was like, OK. Why would I want to read about someone else's life, see pictures of people that I don't even know and what was going on in their lives when my life is so mundane and boring? Then... I said.... Why WOULDN'T I???? That is the reality TV addict in me. I guess I am just a little nosey by nature. I like to see what others have on their mind, see what creations they are up to, just being nosey, I guess.....

So here I am. This is my first "real" blog. Bear with me. This could be ugly.....

So, in the scrapbooking world, I have been trying to further my ambitions. Recently, I have submitted some of my work to try out for the Design Teams (DT) of CherryArte and Paper House Productions and They are both really great lines of paper crafting merchandise and scrappindeals is a wonderful website that sells anything paper crafting. Well, good thing I didn't hold my breath too long, because I didn't make it. (this time.......... but my fingers are always crossed) Then, on one of the message boards that I frequent, I saw a posting that the website is looking for another DT member! So, after all the disappointment from the other 2, I was like, should I or shouldn't I? You know me, I am never one to give up THAT easy. So I did it. I submitted some of my work to Mississippi Paper Arts. Again, my fingers are crossed. You should see some of the talented work that is out there.... There are probably some names there that you know. I probably haven't got a shot in the dark, but I will keep taking that chance. Rome wasn't built in a day.... Patience is a virtue.... hold your horses????

Anyway, I guess that is it for today. Thanks for reading. I hope to be able to post some good news soon....... but then again, not holding my breath.
